smali syntax highlighting for notepad++

update 10/8/2013:
thanks to Ádám Tóth for creating a dark themed version. i've linked to it next to the main version.

update: 11/10/2011:
thanks to Jho for pointing out how to get code folding to work. i updated the syntax file and made a few other tweaks. the link and picture have been updated and here are the instructions for installing (tested with v5.9.6.1):
View -> User-Defined Dialogue...

Click Import

Select smali_npp.xml
       no picture here, use imagination

There will be a message box that says "Import successful."
Any new files you open should have syntax highlighting.

several people have asked for smali highlighting for notepad++. thanks to furrelkt for having already sent me an example. here's what i've come up with:
for dark backgrounds, try this:

there are many limitations for notepad++'s user defined language. i could not get many tokens to highlight correctly, or as well as ultraedit or the highlighter used on this blog. perhaps a full lexer plugin could handle it. if you write one or make improvements to this xml, let me know.
