NEW Android 8 SDK O API 26 Unduh and Android Instant Apps SDK - June 2017 Update

Heads Up!
Finally Android 8 SDK O has been released ! 
After been quite long time in development stage now you can test and use Android 8 with several new features.

Here's whats new in this June release:

Android SDK 8.0.0 API 26 Direct Download
Android SDK Build Tools v26
Android SDK Platform Tools v26

New to Android Extras:
Android Instant Apps SDK

Update to Android Extras:
Google Repository to latetst (v53)
Google Play Services to latetst (v41)
Android Support Repository to latetst (v47)

Other SDKs v7,v6 and v5 are also re-checked and updated you can access that in our page

These are several new Features of Android SDK O:

Android Instant Apps Native Android apps, without the installation

Gosh this is the coolest things ever come to Android : you can publish apps that users can RUN INSTANTLY without needed to install first! This currently supported in Android 8,7 and 6 and strictly available on 40 countries only.
Support for Android 5/API 21 will be added soon

Background Execution Limit 

This aims to improve battery life trough managing background services , location updates and implicit broadcast

Autofill Framework  

This will helps user to fill-of repeated information such as logins, credit card transactions, etc.

Font Resource in XML 

Developers now can embed custom fonts as a resource , set the family name, then use that fonts in their app

Picture in Picture (PIP)

This features already there in TV devices now it is available in Mobile

Java 8 API

Whoa, Google finally adds Java 8 support directly to its javac and dx set of tools, which means jack toolchain is now deprecated in Android O

Wifi Aware Peer to Peer Connectivity aka NaN (neighbor Awareness Networking)

With this, apps and nearby devices can discover and communicate over Wi-Fi without an Internet access point. However the support is still limited to certain devices

Other Features 

Adaptive Icons
Wide-gamut color for apps
Keyboard navigation
Audio enhancements
WebView Improvements

Apart of  the main SDK you also need Platform Tools v26 and Build Tools v26 to compile Android 8 code

Thank you !
